c r e a t e d o n W i r a d j u r i l a n d
G e n e v i e v e C a r r o l l
( a r t i s t a n d p o e t )
King Street Gallery on William
​177 - 185 William Street
Darlinghurst NSW 2010

a b o u t & C V
I first created The Wattle Room back in 2007 when I was awarded the National Art School Sydney, Tim Storrier and
Annette Onslow Residency at Cite Internationale des Arts Paris.
An extraordinary inspiring time for myself where I was able to visit museums and exhibitions on offer, meet other
international artists, and have my own first solo exhibition there. To have concentrated time to fully nurture my
arts and poetry.
My art has always been informed by poetry and literature, reminding me that the ancient art of story telling, our
stories as to what it mean to be human and feelings will never change.
While in Paris I developed a love of Samuel Beckett's novella's poems and plays. As serendipty would have it, his
play Happy Days was on in Paris. The exaggeration of narrative form and absurdity very much appealed to me and
became the seed for my own creativity in all it's many forms.
And so The Wattle Room came into it's own of a three dimensional book with a diaristic approach,
and each exhibition represents a chapter in my life and my feelings at the time.
Themes of identity, mortality, landscape and interior eccentric spaces, gallop through my art.

Born: 1960 Sydney, Australia.
2004 - Bachelor of Fine Arts, National Art School Sydney.
2000 - Diploma of Fine Arts, Hornsby Tafe N.S.W.
2024 - Coming - The Wattle Room Chapter 12 : The most curious landscape - Exhibition King Street Gallery on William Sydney Australia. 23 July - 17 August 2024
The Wattle Room Chapter 11 Oyster and Buttered Bread - Orange Regional Art Gallery, Orange, NSW, Australia. ​
2023 - The Wattle Room Chapter 10 Inherited Way of Being
2022 - The Wattle Room Chapter 9 The Circumspect Toothbrush - Wagner Contemporary - Paddington, NSW Australia.
- Poetic Spaces - Hill End Art Gallery, Hill End NSW, Australia.
2020 - The Wattle Room Chapter 8 Perhaps - Wagner Contemporary - Paddington, NSW, Australia.
- This is not a Still Life - AK Bellinger Gallery, Inverell NSW Australia.
2017 - Thurning Villa, Ashfield, NSW Australia.
2015 - The Wattle Room Chapter 7 Force of Circumstance - Cowra Regional Art Gallery, Cowra, NSW, Australia.
2013 - The Wattle Room Chapter 6 The Bedspread of Natural History - Western Plains Cultural Centre, Dubbo, NSW, Australia.
2012 - The Wattle Room Chapter 5 Winter's Resolve.
2010 - The Wattle Room Chapter 4 Fatigue of the Vertical - Damian Minton Gallery Surry Hills NSW, Australia.
2009 - The Wattle Room Chapter 3 Sisyphus Presence - Damian Minton Gallery Surry Hills NSW, Australia.
2008 - The Wattle Room Chapter 2 Theatre of the Fatigued - Cite Internationale de Arts Paris, France.
The Wattle Room Chapter 1 Blue Lagoon, Newington Arts Festival, Sydney.
2005 - Dutiful Daughter - Mary Place Gallery, Paddington, NSW Australia.
- Your stretching me to the limits - Installation - Cockatoo Island Festival, Sydney Harbour, Australia.
2023 - West of Central - Bronze sculpture & Poem - The Awkward Conversation - Bathurst, NSW Australia.
- Group Exhibition - King Street on William Gallery - September/October
- Packsaddle - New England Regional Art Museum
2022 - CEL - The artist as animaor - Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Bathurst, NSW, Australia.
- Just Love Me - Ngayirr Ngurrambang: Sacred Country - Mudgee Arts Precinct, NSW, Australia.
2020 - The Summer Exhibition - Wagner Contemporary - Paddington, NSW Australia.
- 40/40 Project - Wagner Contemporary - Paddington, NSW Australia.
2019 - Modern Love - AK Bellinger Gallery, Inverell NSW Australia.
- Group Exhibition Wagner Contemporary - Paddington, NSW Australia.
2018 - Starpicket - Orange Regional Art Gallery, Orange, NSW, Australia.
- Interiors - Orange Regional Art Gallery, Orange, NSW, Australia.
- Horse - Darren Knight Gallery - Waterloo, NSW, Australia.
- Chaos - Articulate Project Space, Leichhardt, NSW, Australia.
- Big Little Histories - The CORRIDOR Project, Canowindra,NSW, Australia.
- Group Exhibition - Wagner Contemporary - Paddington, NSW Australia.
2017 - (Un)packed - Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Bathurst, NSW, Australia.
- The Hill End Table - Food, Fire, Art - Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Bathurst, NSW, Australia.
- Anxious Objects - The End Festival - Hill End, NSW, Australia.
2016 - The world needs empathy like a gossamar thread flung - ArtLands - Dubbo, NSW, Australia.
- Second Nature, my thoughts are walking round the table - Coolburn, The Corridor Project, Cowra, NSW, Australia.
2015 - Cementa - We just want to throw flowers at the world - Kandos, NSW, Australia.
- Out of the Studio - Jean Bellette Gallery, Hill End, NSW, Australia.
- 200 x 200 - Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Bathurst, NSW, Australia.
- Sculpture in the Park - Rosby Wines Mudgee, NSW, Australia.
2014 - Natura Mora - Orange Regional Art Gallery, Orange, NSW, Australia.
- Redfern Biennale - 14 works on paper, Redfern, NSW, Australia.
2013 - Out of the Studio - Jean Bellette Gallery, Hill End, NSW, Australia.
2012 - Paintings and Photogravures, Genevieve Carroll & Bill Moseley - Damian Minton Gallery, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia.
- Out of the Studio - Jean Bellette Gallery, Hill End, NSW, Australia.
- History of the Cell Block Theatre - National Art School.
2010 - The Paris Studio - Cite Internationale de Arts recipents, Paddington, NSW, Australia.
2009 - Sculpture - Jean Bellette Gallery, Hill End, NSW, Australia.
2024 - Finalist Fisher Ghost Prize Campbelltown Arts Centre, NSW Australia.
2021 - Calleen Art Award - Finalist. Cowra Regional Art Gallery, NSW, Australia.
2017 - Calleen Art Award - Finalist. Cowra Regional Art Gallery, NSW, Australia.
- Central West Art Prize - Finalist. Cowra Regional Art Gallery, NSW, Australia.
2015 - Arts Unlimited Pro Hart Painting Prize - Awarded. Dunedoo Art Prize, NSW, Australia.
2014 - Central West Art Prize - Awarded. Cowra Regional Art Gallery, NSW, Australia.
- Portia Geach - SH Ervin Gallery, Finalist. Sydney Australia.
2013 - Arts Unlimited - Highly Commended. Dunedoo Art Prize, NSW, Australia.
- Calleen Art Prize - Finalist. Cowra Regional Art Gallery, NSW, Australia.
- Cental West Art Prize - Cowra Regional Art Gallery, NSW, Australia.
2012 - Calleen Art Prize - Finalist. Cowra Regional Art Gallery, NSW, Australia.
- Arts Unlimited - Highly Commended. Dunedoo Art Prize, NSW, Australia.
2010 - Portrait Prize - Drawing - Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Bathurst, NSW, Australia.
- Calleen Art Prize - Finalist. Cowra Regional Art Gallery, NSW, Australia.
- Central West Art Prize - Finalist - Cowra Regional Art Gallery, NSW, Australia.
2003 - John Olsen Drawing Prize - Finalist - National Art School, Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia.
2001 - Willoughby Art Prize - Printmaking Awarded, Willoughby, NSW, Australia.
2000 - Phyllis Arnott Printmaking Awarded.
2021 - CEL - the artist as animator - Hill End Residency - Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Bathurst, NSW, Australia.
2020 - PD Lab Residency - The CORRIDOR project - Cowra, NSW, Australia.
2017 - StarPicket - Lake Mungo Residency - The CORRIDOR project - Cowra, NSW, Australia.
- Thurning Villa Ashfield, NSW. Australia.
2016 - Artlands, Dubbo, NSW, Australia.
2015 - CEMENTA - Artist in residence, Kandos, NSW, Australia.
- Coolburn - Old Mapoon, Cape York. The CORRIDOR project - Cowra, NSW, Australia.
2007 - Tim Storrier and Annette Onslow - National Art School - Cite Internationale de Arts Paris, France.
Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Bathurst, NSW, Australia.
Private collections: Australia and Aland.
National Library of Australia
2024 - Galah magazine - end year
Guest speaker at Bathurst Readers and Writers Festival
Panel discussion Kylie Needham Girl in a Pink Dress
Artist Profile - Poem - The Awkward Conversation- Exhibited Bathurst Regional Art Gallery 2023
2020 - Artist Profile - feature story.
You tube - Calleen Art Prize 2021 Walk through with Art Gallery of NSW Wayne Tunnicliffe.
You tube -
2019 - The Art Life Blog by Andrew Frost - Guest blogger - Alex Wisser - Imposed Inconvienence: Who's afraid of public art.
2018 - Artist Profile - StarPicket - The CORRIDOR project - Cowra, NSW, Australia.
- The Foraged Home by Joanna Maclennan - Thames and Hudson. Feature.
2016 - Artist Profile - Coolburn - The CORRIDOR project - Cowra, NSW, Australia.
2017 - Hill End Table - La Paloma Pottery
2016 - SHELTER - Kara Rosenlund - Feature story.
- Country Style March - Feature story.
2015 - Working Spaces by Martyn Thompson - Feature story.
2014 - The Planthunter - A beautiful Anarchy - Essay.
2012 - Vogue Living July/August Feature story.
2009 - Marie Claire - Hill End Artists & fashion feature.